Exclusive Done-For-You Service For B2B Brands

We Use Storytelling So You Stand Out & Get Clients

Daily Content On Your Socials in Just 1 Hour a Month

Trusted By & Featured In:

Forbes, Inc, Entrepreneur, Walt Disney Pictures, Warner Brothers, 20th Century Fox
Stand out with personal brand

Struggling To Stand Out? 

You're not alone. 

Growing your personal brand is crucial for boosting revenue, attracting top talent, and becoming the go-to brand in your niche.

But, like many, you might be facing these problems:

Lack of Clear Marketing Message

  • Problem: Your marketing message gets lost in the noise, blending in rather than standing out, draining your budget on ineffective tactics.
  • Solution: Cut through the clutter with a marketing message that resonates deeply with your ideal clients. Stand out with authenticity and authority, making every marketing dollar count by leading warmed-up leads right back to you.

Inadequate Lead Generation

  • Problem: Dependency on sporadic referrals or unsuccessful ad spends and cold outreach tactics leaves your revenue unpredictable and your brand integrity at risk.
  • Solution: Steadily attract leads with authoritative, value-rich content. Confidently funnel resources into inbound and outbound marketing, knowing your solid content foundation turns cold leads into eager prospects.

Inconsistent Online Presence

  • Problem: Your posting is hit-or-miss across platforms, lacking a cohesive strategy to turn observers into buyers, marred by inconsistent branding and messaging.
  • Solution: Enjoy the simplicity of consistent, strategy-driven posting that's hands-free for you. Follow an approach that ensures professional branding cohesion and daily engagement across platforms, funneling leads directly to your doorstep with clear, compelling messaging.

Tech Overwhelm

  • Problem: Juggling all aspects of branding and marketing tech can lead to burnout or subpar outcomes when delegated to inexperienced hands.
  • Solution: Place your trust in a team with a proven track record. Work alongside experts who free you and your team to focus on what you do best, backed by SOPs that ensure success without the stress.

No Content Strategy

  • Problem: Overwhelmed, you shy away from creating, opting instead to share others’ work, resulting in a scattered online presence that fails to engage or convert.
  • Solution: With expert guidance, your content strategy is born. Your platforms thrive with original, impactful content that not only attracts but converts, laying the foundation for resources like free courses and lead magnets—all emanating from your strategic content.

Not Confident Making Videos

  • Problem: You procrastinate creating video content because you feel it doesn’t come natural to you, you're self-conscious, and you’re not sure what to say and do.
  • Solution: You create videos side-by-side with an award-winning Hollywood director with years of experience working with on-screen talent. You shine on camera and are confident in your ability to empower your audience, and you’re confident your video editors will cut out unflattering parts so you look your best.

Limited Time for Content Creation

  • Problem: Endless to-dos leave you with no bandwidth for content, leading to sporadic, low-quality posts or reliance on VAs for uninspired content.
  • Solution: Spare just one monthly chat about your expertise. From there, you find a trusted team to take the reins—conducting SEO research, crafting strategy, and managing all posting. Your wisdom is transformed into diverse, daily content and extended through engaging podcasts or YouTube series, effortlessly.
Mike L Murphy - Personal Brand

Ready To Predictably Get B2B Clients?

If so, you need to install a content based Lead Acquisition System into your business that converts complete strangers into high-paying clients.  This combines all the best practices to build predictability into your business.

Lead Acquisition System
Want us to build you this system in 30 days or less?

Content Facts:

  • LinkedIn’s Vast Reach: With over 1 billion members (at a 14.29% annual growth), an active LinkedIn strategy ensures you're visible to decision makers. (Business of Apps)​
  • Building Trust with Content: 47% of buyers view 3-5 pieces of content before engaging with sales. (DemandGet Report)​
  • The Power of Storytelling: Storytelling that highlights your brand’s journey, values, and successes are crucial for making memorable connections on social media.​ (HubSpot)​

2 Phases To Build Your Go-To Brand


Phase 1 - System Setup

Over 30 days we build you a content-based lead acquisition system. Just attend 3 Sprint Sessions and we do the rest.

Session #1 - Funnel

We start by refining your LinkedIn profile, optimizing it, and transforming it into a powerful tool for lead acquisition.

No preparation is needed on your part; we handle the intricacies to make sure your profile stands out to the right audience.

Session #2 - Content

Through a stress-free, conversational interview with a Hollywood director, we gather your insights and expertise.

This single session provides the material for a month’s worth of diverse,  SEO-rich content across all your channels, from videos to articles.

Session #3 - Growth

With a clear SEO content roadmap and specific goals in place, we use our content multiplier to launch your content, build your authority, and attract qualified leads directly to you.


Phase 2 - Ongoing

With your foundation firmly in place, we shift into on-going content production and optimization to find a ‘market to message fit’. This helps you save time and money as you increase marketing ROI.

This takes just 1 hour of your time each month.  We do the rest.

Monthly Content Generation:

Regular, hassle-free video interviews keep your content fresh and your audience engaged. It's about maintaining a dynamic presence with minimal effort from you with just one hour of your time required each month.

Build Authority:

Beyond content production, we refine strategies to broaden your reach and strengthen your industry leadership, ensuring you're not just seen but remembered and respected.

Acquisition & Analytics:

We refine your lead acquisition strategy beyond traditional referrals, creating compelling lead magnets and utilizing analytics to measure ROI and growth, giving you a clear picture of your expanding influence.


Work Samples

A one-hour monthly recording session (where Mike personally directs you) gets you daily, high-quality posts that are authentic to you.  Simply record for one hour, and we edit videos, write posts, create graphics, and schedule your social. 

Everything is on brand and approved by your team before it goes live.



LinkedIn Profile Makeover Examples:

Our process starts by turning your LinkedIn profile into an authority-building, top-of-funnel asset.


Content Process Examples:

Here are examples of how we transform a :60-min recording session into a full month of value-packed content.

Linkedin Content marketing service
content marketing agency


Podcast Examples:

Here are examples of podcast episodes we have edited for our clients.

Video Poster Image
Video Poster Image


Short Clip Examples:

Click to see examples of video content we have produced for our clients.



Deluxe Video Examples:

Here are examples of bespoke video content that we can generate if the interview style is not the right fit for your niche.



Website Example:

Often clients ask us to re-imagine their websites after we have dialed in their message and audience.  If you need a website build, ask for custom pricing.



Social Engagement Growth:

Below is an example of how the Visionary Planner can grow your audience and social proof.  This represents a 90-day period from starting with us.  Each month compounds and builds up.

Mike L. Murphy on stage
Mike L. Murphy speaking
Mike L. Murphy personal branding
Mike L. Murphy marketing
build a personal brand


Meet Mike L. Murphy 

Your guide towards building your 'blockbuster' brand.



I'm Mike L. Murphy, and I was fortunate to learn the art of storytelling by working on big Hollywood blockbusters like Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and IronMan.  This led to me mentoring others about storytelling and lecturing at some of the world's top universities.

Now, I'm on a mission: to help visionary founders like you find and polish the unique stories that make you shine, and then bring those stories to the world through captivating video content.

I firmly believe in the power of passion and expertise. In today's world, where video content reigns supreme and AI tools make creation both easy and affordable, sharing your unique message has never been more accessible.

Since 2016, I've been privileged to assist over 1200+ business owners in crafting their "blockbuster brands" and lifestyle businesses. My team and I specialize in lifting the burden of consistent content creation, making it simple for you to maintain a dynamic and engaging online presence.

Having led a large agency, I now focus on a select group of 7+ figure business owners, investing my creative talents to elevate their brands over the long term. If you're ready to make an impact and share your vision with the world, I invite you to consider working with us. 

I'm excited about the possibility of partnering with you to broadcast your unique message to the world.


Mike L. Murphy



Visionary Planner's Story System


Our done-for-you service publishes daily content, requiring just 1 hour a month of your time.



You Get:

System Setup & Brand Messaging:

We refine your social platforms into a seamless lead generation mechanism, guiding you on utilizing ads to attract a spectrum of leads and setting up a system to ensure only the most qualified get through for calls.  Includes Calendar setup and integration, LinkedIn profile makeover (text, graphics and settings) and 20 content posts (short videos, text and infographics).

($7,260 value)

Monthly 45-min Content Recording Session:

Mike will personally direct your 'performance' in a simple Zoom interview about your brand and expertise —no prep needed on your end. Our team then crafts this into a full spectrum of content, grounded in topic research to hit what your market seeks.

($500 value)

Custom SEO Content Strategy:

Mike, leveraging his Hollywood storytelling experience, will navigate you through identifying your ideal clients and sculpting content that turns viewers into loyal customers. We delve into understanding your audience's desires, fears, and dreams, utilizing precise SEO strategies to ensure your content speaks directly to them.

($500 value)

Content Preparation and Publishing Service:

Our skilled team transforms your monthly video interview (or content you submit) into daily (Monday-Friday) content, managing posts across major platforms like LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram. You'll have a simple approval process to ensure each piece resonates with your brand’s voice and is authentic to you.

($1,500 value)

Message, Branding & Lead Generation Mastermind:

Monthly sessions aim to sharpen your marketing message, helping you dominate your niche. We also cover how to build your authority, grow your network, and run inbound and outbound lead generation campaigns.  Don't have time?  Have your team hop on instead.

($1,000 value)

AI-Powered 'Virtual You' GPT Agent:

Utilize AI to maintain authenticity in your content, ensuring it reflects your true expertise. Plus, it assists in engaging with others’ content, expanding your reach and fostering potential partnerships.

Other agencies charge $3,500 just to build one out, and you get it bundled into your monthly service.  Plus we keep it updated as content is produced so it's always up-to-date with your expertise.

($3,500 value)

2x Weekly Office Hours & Exclusive Access to Mike:

Gain invaluable marketing support and the opportunity for sprint sessions during office hours. For quick queries or brainstorming sessions, you have exclusive WhatsApp access to Mike, ensuring prompt replies and ongoing collaboration.

($500 value)

Advanced Branding & European Content Creation Retreat:

Need more help?  Elevate your brand with our optional branding services (website builds, sales materials) and join exclusive production retreats in Slovenia where Mike will direct your videos in some of the most gorgeous locations in Europe. 

Optional Upgrades


Get Started Today:

Phase 1:

System Setup & Brand Messaging

In order to start expanding your brand, we'll clarify your message, rebrand your social channels, define your signature offer, and create a full month of story-based content (videos, text and graphics).

This build out takes 30 days and is required before you work with us monthly. 

Because Mike personally works with you, spots are extremely limited.


LinkedIn Content Marketing Service

System Setup



  • Message Consulting ($2,000 value)
  • Project Management ($560 value)  
  • LinkedIn Personal and Company Profile Build Outs ($1,000 value)
  • Calendar Integration & Optimization Consulting ($500 value) 
  • Offer Creation Consulting ($2,000 value)
  • Content Calendar, Pillars, SEO Strategy & Production ($1,000 value) 
  • Short Videos Design & Editing - 8 Videos ($600 value)  
  • Content Scheduling - 20 posts of Video, Text and Graphics ($400 value)
  • Ideal Customer Profile Creation ($500 value)   
  • Audience Growth & Engagement Consulting ($500 value)

Total Value: $9,060 USD


Phase 2:

Monthly Content Creation & Audience Growth

Once your foundation is built, you can pick what level is best for your goals.  We will scale your brand and authority by following this proven roadmap:

LinkedIn Content Marketing Service Roadmap


Single Channel



  • Mike directs you in 45-min Content Recording Session ($500 month value)
  • Custom SEO Content Strategy ($500 month value)
  • Content Prep & Publishing Service for LinkedIn or Instagram - 20 posts of Video, Text and Graphics ($1,500 month value)
  • Message & Lead Gen Mastermind ($1,000 month value)
  • 2x Weekly Office Hours ($500 month value)

Multichannel + Podcast


Everything In Single Channel PLUS:

  • VIP M-Th Whatsapp Access To Mike ($1,000 month value)
  • AI-Powered ‘Virtual You’ GPT Agent Build and Updates ($3,500 value) 
  • Content Prep & Publishing Service for Instagram, LinkedIn & X - 20 posts per channel ($2,000 month value)
  • Monthly Video Podcast Production or Content Repurposing - up to 4 episodes, plus publishing to YouTube, iTunes and Spotify ($2,500 month value)



Everything In Multichannel PLUS:

  • Monthly Newsletter Management - 1 mailing a week ($1,200 month value)
  • Podcast Guest Outreach and Bookings ($1,000 month value)
  • Personal Brand Build (Website and Visuals) and Management ($1,500 month value)
  • Digital Course or Coaching Program Creation and Management ($1,500 month value)
  • 2 1-1 Strategy Sessions With Mike ($2,000 month value)
Explore DIY Option
Risk free guarantee

'Try Before You Buy' Guarantee

We're confident in our ability to build you a ‘blockbuster brand’ and content strategy. That's why we offer a straightforward, risk-free guarantee: 

Attend Session #1 as a complimentary trial.  You'll work directly with Mike to clarify your brand message, identify your dream client and then create the text for your LinkedIn profile. 

At the end of that Session you and Mike will mutually agree to continue to work together.  If not, keep your LinkedIn profile optimization as our gift to you.

What Clients Are Saying:

Since 2016, The Visionary Planner has helped over 1200+ Visionaries build blockbuster brands.


Frequently Asked Questions


Free Courses:

Need help building your Blockbuster Brand?  These FREE Courses will help!

Free story brand templates

FREE Training: LinkedIn Sales Funnel

Where can I send your free training to optimize your LinkedIn profile and convert profile viewers to clients?

FREE Training: Content Multiplier

Where can I send your free training to turn 1 hour of videos into a full month of daily content?  (Includes FREE GPTs)

Free story brand templates